H. RES. 1423
Ms. Corrine Brown of Florida (for herself and Mr. Brady of Pennsylvania) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs
Congratulating Master Wan Ko Yee, a permanent resident of the United States, on the publication of his teachings and accomplishments in the book titled, “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III: A Treasury of True Buddha-Dharma”.
September 10, 2008
Ms. Corrine Brown of Florida (for herself and Mr. Brady of Pennsylvania) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs
Congratulating Master Wan Ko Yee, a permanent resident of the United States, on the publication of his teachings and accomplishments in the book titled, “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III: A Treasury of True Buddha-Dharma”.
Whereas approximately 6,000,000 of the more than 360,000,000 adherents of Buddhism worldwide reside in the United States;
Whereas Buddhist leaders have affirmed through written proclamation that Master Wan Ko Yee is both an honored leader of Buddhism and the true incarnation of Buddha on earth.
Whereas the book “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III: A Treasury of True Buddha-Dharma”, published by the International Buddhism Sangha Association, presents testimonies, recognitions, and congratulations from great Dharma Kings and Rinpoches around the world who proclaim Master Wan Ko Yee as the primordial Buddha, namely H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.
Whereas copies of “H.H. Dorge Chang Buddha III: A Treasury of True Buddha-Dharma” have been presented to the Library of Congress and are being placed in Buddhist temples and public libraries in the United States as a reference book on Buddhism;
Whereas in October 2003, Congress honored Master Wan Ko Yee by hosting an exhibition of his Yun sculpture in the Capitol; and
Whereas Master Wan Ko Yee has for many years selflessly contributed to relieving the suffering of human beings, furthering world peace, and promoting spiritual enlightenment through his teachings of Buddhism: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the House of Representatives—
(1) recognizes Master Wan Ko Yee as the true incarnation of the primordial Buddha, namely H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III; and
(2) commends him for his outstanding contributions to his community, his new country, his religion, and all human beings throughout the world.
Source form: CONGRESS.GOV